Buy YouTube Watch Hours

You may have been told that you need to buy YouTube watch hours if you want your videos to rank higher in searches. You might be wondering what this entails and how it will benefit your channel. In today’s post, we will discuss the benefits of buying YouTube watch hours and give some tips on how to get the best value for your money!

YouTube Watch Time Packages

Instructions for buying YouTube Watch Hours/Times

You must Enter a video that is 2 hours in length or more. While using our views, please don’t at the same time use views from 3rd parties and if the video is receiving organic views, you will not get enough watch time. We are not responsible in these cases. Better please use new videos and no organic views to run watch time.

 Get YouTube Watch Hours – SMFAME

YouTube is one of the popular video-sharing websites. YouTube provides videos on various topics like tutorials, product reviews, music videos, and many more. Many people upload their videos on YouTube to share them with family members, friends & other communities. YouTube restricts monetizing for all non-partner channels in India till February 2016. Many users start working to promote their channel so that they can gain maximum subscribers and views. They create their channel but don’t link up with any website which could help them in achieving a good number of views in a short period. That’s why I found this method interesting!! It is said that, if you buy YouTube Watch hours, your channel gets more views which eventually leads to an increase in subscribers. A link named “Earn money by buying YouTube watch Hours” was shared on Quora. Many people doubted the method but some users confirmed it as a genuine method of increasing views and getting fame on YouTube. Users start sharing their experiences after using the method once. I came across such an interesting statement from one of my friends who got a huge number of YouTube subscribers within two weeks just by spending $24!! It’s an amazing way to promote your videos and become more popular than ever before! People know about this trick and so I’m here with a full-proof guide to monetize your YouTube account without any problem.

You must have seen that every movie, song, or video is promoted on some other platform before releasing. It is done to boost the popularity of a particular media. Similarly, when a users buy YouTube watch hours, his videos get promoted by this provider on their website and on various other websites too!! When your video gets promoted by big companies whose audience is completely different from yours, you get benefits from it. For example: If you are selling Black magic products and someone watches your video on the “Earn money by buying YouTube watch hours” service’s website then there’s no benefit for you but when your selected video starts playing on the Bollywood films review website then surely you will get benefited. We can buy YouTube Watch Hours to increase our views. We should buy real human YouTube watch hours to increase the rating of our channel. If you are not getting good numbers of watches then I would say you are doing something wrong or your content is not that attractive..! It could be anything but this method might help in boosting your video’s rating!!

Benefits of Buying YouTube Watch Hours

You can gain many benefits by buying YouTube watch hours to increase the number of views on your videos. For instance, you may need to buy them to rank high for certain keywords or beat out competition that has already ranked well. Or perhaps there is a product launch coming up and you want as much exposure as possible before it goes live so people are interested enough to make an immediate purchase during said launch. Regardless of why you might want more views, here are some potential advantages:

buying YouTube watch hours


  • You’ll be able to get better rankings with specific keywords because they’re based on search volume which is determined primarily by how many times someone clicks each result after performing a keyword search – The more popular something becomes online, the closer its position will be to the top of SERPs this is something I’ve covered extensively here on my blog as well as elsewhere online. More views mean a better chance at grabbing your target audience’s attention and convincing them to buy from you or become an affiliate


  • People are most likely to stop watching an uninteresting video within the first few seconds of playback this is why you need to make sure yours is both interesting and engaging right away. Your conversion rates may increase if people keep on viewing, like or even commenting on what they see because these things signal social proof (others find it valuable) as well as show them exactly what kind of content you produce so they know whether or not there might be something in it for them. They’re also more likely to click links at certain intervals during a long video than all at once after finishing, which then leads to more conversions
  • Get more views through sharing on social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, etc. which can lead to even further exposure as it gets shared again, liked, or commented upon by others who find it interesting enough – Compatible with many different types of businesses such as eCommerce stores selling physical products; affiliate marketers promoting digital courses/software; bloggers looking to drive traffic back to their websites and so much more
  • You’ll be able to attract new subscribers who want updates each time you upload something even if they don’t purchase anything during this first boost in traffic, they may still come back at some point later down the line for any number of reasons (e.g., find out about interesting products/services) ·· By buying views now, there’s an increased chance that these same people will enjoy whatever else you’ve uploaded too because they’re already familiar with what kind of content is available on your channels)
  • You can even get more views on your videos by using an option that allows you to place annotations at the end of any given video, which is perfect for directing traffic back to almost anything else you want – While Google does crack down pretty hard on people who use bots and other automated systems to generate views or subscribers organically, they don’t always catch everything so it’s worth doing if the benefits outweigh the risks · The issue with this approach though is that while these activities will increase watch hours, it won’t necessarily lead to higher rankings because there are many different ranking factors than just watch hours alone.
  • The amount of time it takes to go from starting a channel and gaining your first subscribers (i.e., building an audience) will be shorter since you’ll already have some views under your belt – Subscribers are more likely to click on links in the description, like or comment as well if they find what’s there valuable enough · This is particularly true for those who subscribe early-on because these people tend to care about whatever content is being uploaded before most others do
  • You can beat out competition that has already ranked well by buying YouTube watch hours which will propel your videos up the rankings quickly.
  • You may be able to generate hype leading up to a product launch by using available views and then funneling at least part of that into your sales page or affiliate links the key here is attracting an audience that will buy something during this initial boost in traffic.
  • Social shares are easier when there’s already quite a bit of additional content on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc. which means you’ll get even more exposure through social media channels – More people are likely to subscribe if they find what you’re uploading interesting enough because it gives them something fresh each time they log onto their favorite channel(s).


youtube watch hours
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A reputable website will never ask you for any kind of password to send likes to targeted posts. For service availableness no access to the account is needed, just specify the profile link.

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Are Buying watch time are illegal?

No it’s not illegal it’s legal because our users (viewers) are not BOT it’s 100% real and active.

Can I trust Smfame with my data?

Yes, beacuse we not required your password or other privacy data. We need just your profile link to complete order.

How many watch hours I can buy?

The requirement of YouTube for channel motezie is 4000 watch hours and 1000 subscribers but  you can buy as many you want.

YouTube Watch time are real or fake?

We always provide real and active Watch hours and other YouTube services and our services are non drop.

Will your channel be banned?

No your channel will not be banned because buying subscribers, likes, views, comments, watch hours are legal there’s no reason your account should be banned.